I apologize to all 5 6 readers of this blog for the lack of posts recently. I have been a bit depressed about blogging and conversation and all forms of discourse in general. This mood has been brought on by a confluence of events which include, but is not exclusive of, the shootings at Virginia Tech, the release of the shooter’s blather, the talk about the media coverage of the shootings, the talk about the release of the shooter’s blather, the talk about the talk about these events, the talk about main stream media v new media or citizen journalism or a whole bunch of people blathering on about blogging and how it’s so new and cool and whether bloggers and commenters on blogs or elsewhere should be allowed to be anonymous and what all that means and all the energy seemingly devoted to thoughts and opinions that don’t matter much including my own.
OK. Now that I got that off my chest I should be able to get back to more regular blathering, er blogging.
To me, blogs are just another way to communicate. The barrier of entry for blogs is a lot lower than a lot of other forms of communication and expression of ideas, and that is a good thing.
As to all the things bloggers “should” and “shouldn’t” do, I think all the answers have merit for different reasons and individual bloggers (I even hate the term “blog” and “blogger”) should do what they feel works best for them. When it comes to comments, anonymous comments, subject matter, “my house, my rules” rules.
By the way, I am proud to be reader #6.
OK. Really. I have more than 5 readers. More like 300-500 unique visitors per day.
Hey man, it’s the quality of the readers, not the quantity!
I’ll tell you Bob, I do poke my head in here to see what’s going on in the North Coast tech sphere.
Ouch. I forgot Amy. Indeed a good blog.
Don’t get discouraged Bob; this is one of the few useful blogs.
You’re in good company. Amy Stewart has a useful blog as well. Notice all of her sidebar links to sites with info about chickens and gardening and worms.
Hope you feel better, Bob. Sorry it’s all crazy.
I wrote a fairly long post over on Fred’s blog about how I appreciate the work you do to maintain these blogs so I won’t repeat it all here except to say I appreciate this blog, and have gotten some valuable information from here. How about you other 3 faithful readers saying something nice too, so Bob has some incentive to keep this up.
Attaboy! Hair o’ the dog!