According to the Times-Standard, “Security National has registered a series of Internet addresses related to a proposed development of the Balloon Tract, including, and” Addtional names they have registered include “,,,,, and”. None of these are active. They just registered the first set so people in opposition to their project wouldn’t be able to. That hasn’t stopped some folks who have created a site at where you can ‘sign’ a petition that states, “We the undersigned oppose using the waterfront Balloon Track property for a large retail development.” Other than links to articles and other information that’s all that’s on the site. No indication as to who or what organization is behind that site. A quick check of whois doesn’t reveal a thing. That always makes me suspicious.
Another new site has just been launched that plans to keep track of the tract project. This site appears to be neutral purporting to offer any information related to the fate of that parcel of land. But it does give a prominent link to the petition site.
Personally, I still don’t have a stand on this issue. I look forward to hearing arguements on both sides. is my site pure and simple. Not affiliated with any particular group. I started LNGwatch.comin December of 03 with the intent of providing as much information on Calpine and LNG as I could. The intention being an informed public makes better decisions. Same for the Balloon Track issue and the new site.
It is difficult not to take a side and have it influence the content. But as with LNG I found the more hard data I found the more it solidified my position. Of course it works hand in hand. You tend to look for what you want. But in the end I think it still important to all to see what has happened elsewhere with similar issues and to understand the process.