The next Broadband Forum is set for Auguts 21 at Fortuna’s River Lodge,  8:30 AM – 5:00 PM. According to a email from Connie Stewart, the theme for this year is “Rural Connections: From Grassroots to Treetops: Getting Broadband to All of the Redwood Coast“.

The keynote speaker will be Sunne McPeak, President and Chief Executive Officer, California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF). The Forum will also feature presentations from “leaders in technology development.”  The email continues:

Recent events have demonstrated the critical role that
telecommunications plays in the economic and social health of
our community. There’s money on the table and political
will to bring broadband to rural communities like ours, but we
need to develop strong public/private partnerships and work
together to make this happen! In addition, local participants
will receive critical education on statewide and national policy
and funding trends that will affect our broadband future.

The invitation to attend is for “…elected officials, city managers, county administrators, economic and community development professionals, tribal representatives, and community leaders from Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino and Trinity Counties.” So if  you are, or think you are, one of those AND you want a free lunch, you can contact Connie Stewart or call (707) 445-7014 to reserve a spot.

You can download the agenda here.