I did a presentation for the Humboldt Internet Marketing Group/Redwood Technology Consortium, whatever it’s called (RTC/IMG? I dunno). This was a jam packed meeting and I only had a short amount of time. So this slideshow has only 15 slides. But I think it has some good material. I actually added some information that wasn’t in the live presentation.
I have been thinking about offering some workshops on specific topics. More in-depth, fee based. Maybe one focused on Twitter, one on Facebook and one on Google +. I’d be interested in knowing if there was interest out there in something like that, starting locally, here in Eureka. I would make it relatively low cost and high value.
The 2nd slide might need some explanation: I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. I don’t think that feeling is uncommon. We love it because we can connect with people we otherwise wouldn’t have. But it opens the door to lots of wasted time. And if you are a business owner you can’t really avoid the potential of reaching a much bigger market than you could otherwise. Facebook offers a lot of potential. But it also changes the rules of the game all the time. For most of us, it’s a huge chore to keep up with let alone use the system to any benefit. That’s what that slide is about. And the link embedded in it is well worth the read.
I started using it, mainly as a social thing and not to promote my book. I just don’t see it taking off yet.
It depends, as with all things, in what you are using it for. I really like the format. In terms of viewing posts, commenting, grouping people in circles, etc. If you mean is it an important social media marketing tool, I don’t know. I think if you have a business page, you can leverage that to engage a particular audience. But I also think it has search engine optimization value, at least for Google search.
Like any tool, there is value but you have to learn it to get the value out of it. And, I assume it will continue to evolve and become more integrated in to the Google universe.
Is Google+ any good? I haven’t really used it much.