I went to the Bayside Grange breakfast this morning. If you haven’t been this is a fun community event with good eats! But today they had an exhibit of electric vehicles from the Humboldt Electric Vehicle Association. There was quite a line-up of vehicles from what looked like a completey fabricated hot rod (built for speed, not efficiencny) to conversions (a couple of VW bugs and other cars) to a recumbant pedal machine with an electric motor. Pushing the edges of DIY technology, some of these things looked like rolling explosions. But I’m sure they are all safe. I saw no tow trucks that could have hauled them there. A great way to spend a sunny morning and experience the essence of Humboldt County.
Great post… I’ve very into electric/solar vehicles. In fact i’m reading about electric cars in another window. It’s even better when it’s Do It Yourself!
Hi Bob- thanks for putting this in your blog. It was a great success for both organizations. And yeah, they all got there under their own “steam.” We love our EV (the white one w/ the solar panels).