Last year I wrote a blog post praising PowerSchool, the online system for tracking your child’s progress and communicating with teachers that Eureka City School is running. This year, I went further and wrote a Tech Beat article for the Times-Standard. I would link to it, but the search tool on the Times-Standard web site is so bad it can’t find it (but that’s grist for another blog post, I guess).
When the T-S article appeared I got a nice thank you email from Kevin Scheffler, Assistant Principal of Eureka High School. He was happy I was drawing people’s attention to the service. I replied by asking him some questions that I couldn’t get answered when I was working on the article despite several phone calls. I wanted to know:
- How many years have you (Eureka City Schools) been using PowerSchool?
- Do you have any statistics on how many people use the system?
- Do you still have teachers that are not actively involved with the system?
- Do you know any other local school districts that use this or a similar system?
Mr. Scheffler never wrote back. So, I am still wondering.
Now, after using the system successfully for several years, we have stopped receiving the weekly email summaries that let us know how our daughter is doing and what’s going on at the school. I contacted their tech support via email and got one reply that said they had tested our account settings. But we still are not receiving the email. I replied to the support message, but, after 2 weeks, have heard nothing more.
I don’t know if others are having problems with the system. And I am not sure why it’s so hard to get any responses from the school either on my questions or my support issue. Fortunately, we can still log in and get the most important information. I would hate to see that disappear, too.