I am thinking of reviving this blog. I no longer have a show to focus on. KHSU has been rather confusing about the fate of the show (Talking Tech) which I did for several months in 2004. On the one hand everyone said they thought it was great, should have done it long ago, will get you another producer, etc. On the the other hand, nothing ever happened. I got tired of asking and really, too busy to pursue it.
I do still have a compulsion, though, to talk about things things in public. There may be a psychological disorder that could be applied to this compulsion. Think of all the bloggers, podcaststers and vloggers who could be diagnosed!
Anyway, in anticipation of this revival, I have upgraded to WordPress 2.0, I have cleaned out all the old comment spam, and am now requiring registration in order to comment. A necessary evil unless I can find a solid plugin for filtering obvious spam. Of course, just after I upgraded I read some things on TechCrunch that disparages WP 2.0.