Bob Morse
Morse Media Fan Site:
Web Site:

Overall great social media resource is Mashable:
Twitter specific:

Facebook specific:


Video Uploading and Tracking:

Favorite Twitter Desktop Apps:
TweetDeck: Multiple accounts, groups/columns, Facebook integration

Favorite Web Twitter Web Apps: Manage multiple accounts, submit and track shortened URLs, and more Email notification of people who have followed you, Direct Mesages, and other features Daily reports on Follows/Unfollows Email alerts for search terms in Twitter Similar to TweetBeep

Other Sites to Check Out: Post to multiple services through one site. Kind of a cross between Twitter and Facebook Another service for posting to multiple accounts
Commercial Social Media Support: Also offers free webinars.

Minding Mindfulness

I’ve been a card-carrying member of the Humboldt Skeptics for many years (actually we have no cards or even a formal organization). I even attended a national skeptics conference in Las Vegas back in 2013. So, I pride myself in questioning things that...

Listen Up! A Cornucopia of Podcasts

Back in 2009, I wrote about podcasts and how much I liked them. I felt compelled to because I'd been listening to podcasts for years already and had gained so much from them. Surprisingly, most of the shows I listed back then are still around and several...

The Perils and Joys of Twitter

I'm an early adopter of Twitter and I really liked it when I started. Then I sort of just forgot about it for a couple years. I can't really explain my neglect. I think I just got distracted by exploring all the other tools that developed, including, the Facebook...

Reviving the Blog

Look out! After a few years of neglect I have decided to put some time back in to this blog site. It's one of the oldest sites I still have so the record goes back pretty far. I'm putting a new look on it and that will be developed over time. But the point...


A couple days ago i was listening to a podcast and the speaker was describing a URL for a website and he said something like backslash somepage.Backslash? I always thought it was a forward slash. Here's a backslash \. Heres a forward slash /. Am I...

Betas vs Silicon Valley

Betas vs Silicon Valley

I try out a lot of shows. I like winding down with a good show on the tube/pad/laptop/phone/some device. Netflix, Amazon Prime and iTunes. They're everywhere I am. What a world we live in. So, when we still subscribed to premium cable channels I started getting hooked...

Roadside Assistance

Roadside Assistance

Travelling can be fun. It can also be fraught with trouble and misshaps, especially when you depend on technology to keep your life and work moving while on the road. My work is all on line. So communication and work tools (phone, iPad, laptop) are essential. Two days...

Will Wanders for a Cause

Will Wanders for a Cause

We've started offering our home again, via the Warm Showers website, to cyclists passing through town. I know, it sounds a little illicit, but it's really quite innocent. Most people offer up a place to stay in trade for when they themselves go out on a bike tour. But...

Absorbed by the Borg

Absorbed by the Borg

We Are All Data Already we feel compelled to post so much of what we do on Facebook in order to validate our activities or to prove how active we are or what scrumptious meals we make. We share our photos, our thoughts, our blog posts. We all (well not all are on...

Don’t Believe the FCC

Don’t Believe the FCC

In spite of their recent blog post defending their new non-net neutrality policy, the FCC really is changing course. But don't believe me. Here, read this post from Stanford's Center for Internet and Society and decide for yourself. The question is: What Can We Do...