An Update on MCI

Two months ago I posted about my mild cognitive impairment diagnosis, here. Since then, I have been tooling along as normal feeling no symptoms. The people I am surrounded by have told me they do not notice any diminished capacity and I have to trust they are being...

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A Mild Cognitive Impairment Diagnosis

A Mild Cognitive Impairment Diagnosis

A few weeks ago, after I complained to my primary physician that I had trouble memorizing lines for some scenes I was rehearsing for a benefit performance, he referred me to a neurologist. After taking a battery of verbal/written tests, the neurologist determined I...

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This Seems Reasonable

I occasionally get spam voice mails to my Google phone. It's not a number I answer so the i only hear the message when I play the recording. I got one the other day. Here's the transcript: "I'm charged $1,499. We noticed some suspicious activity on your account. So we...

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“Old Age Ain’t No Place for Sissies”

This quote, often attributed to the great actress Bette Davis came up in conversation today with a friend I have known for over 50 years. He was going through the litany of miseries he is suffering from cancer and the various treatments for it. The most radical...

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Alternative Meat

Except for a brief period in my idealistic youth when I became a vegetarian, I've enjoyed eating meat. I enjoy the taste, the texture, the smell of meat of all kinds. I've eaten game I've shot when I used to hunt. Dove, pigeon, quail, deer, rabbit, squirrel. For most...

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Joy Sorrow Fear Anger

  3 weeks and 1 day ago, our first grandchild was brought into the world. This made us gloriously happy. But it was accompanied by a deep sadness. Because of the pandemic we have had to put off indefinitely flying out to visit our grandson, daughter, and...

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Reviews of Free Zoom Alternatives

Brief Reviews of Free Video Conferencing Platforms After using a licensed version of Zoom for a month, I began casting about for free alternatives that would satisfy the basic needs of a couple group meetings that we participate in regularly. Don't get me wrong. I...

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Two Poems from Youth

I don't know what has possessed me to post these poems. I have no way to judge their quality. I had a youthful desire to be a poet and wrote a many of them and shared some in readings, and in now long forgotten anthologies. At some point I packed up that dream and...

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