Susan Estrada Continues:
The North Coast Region
Mergers and Buy Outs
Verizon bought MCI
SBC bought AT&T and changed its name to at&t
Cebridge is buying Cox (and is changing its name)
Level 3 bought WiTel
With the mergers and the companies getting larger, our area appears smaller in their corporate maps. Exception is Cebridge which specializes in rural areas. Humboldt will become a bigger presence. One of their largest areas. This is a good thing.
Our Region is Profoundly impacted by extrnal forces
Especially scenic route fees (PG&E right of ways as alternative also carry exorbitant fees)
Coastal Commission
CPUC/FCC – as fiber crosses regional and state boundaries red tape and fees mount
Federal Lands
State Lands
Geology and weather
Who’s using the single fiber line on the North Coast?
Communications Companies: Cox, Frontier, Verizon, etc.
Education: HSU, CR, Co. Offices of Ed.
County and City Govt.
State Govt.: State Parks, Wildlife, and Fiseries, Forestry, CHP, Caltrans, etc.
Industry: Manufacturing, Services, tourism, Media
Federal Govt.: National Park, National Weather Service, Coast Guard, etc.
What happens when the line fails?
The Middle Mile
(IE what the fiber line connecting to the larger Internet is called)
The Middle Mile ensures the First Mile (your connection at home, business, school):
Entertainment (we don’t like to admit it, but this is a huge economic force. People mag. earns 1billion/year)
E-jobs (live/work anywhere)
“Are you going to risk your life or financial well-being on an extended outage?”