I don’t make predictions, usually, and I hadn’t made one in public about Apple finally coming out with an IPhone. But I did say this would be the next big product to a few people — in private — really — I did. I figured it had to be something like this when they didn’t produce a new wide screen video IPod last year. And there! Lo and behold! the IPhone which is so much more than a phone. It’s actually that holy grail of devices that combines multiple devices in one: A cell phone, a video IPod (with wide screen), and an Internet communications devices.
This thing looks so sweet and the features and interface appear pretty amazing. I really, really want one. But at $600 for the 8 GBÂ version (which I would want), and being tied in to Cingular’s GSM network for cell phone service makes me hesitate. I called Edge that handles Cingular to try to get some information from them but they were too busy to answer the phone. And too busy to call me back. When I’d tried an Edge phone before, I could get no service at my home at all. And I understand GSM is sloooow. Anyone using a GSM phone from Cingular here in Humboldt County? I’d love to know your experience.
oh, I almost forgot
battery life- 5 Hrs?
So on my plane flight I was able to catch up on those 5 episodes of Dexter on my shiny new iPhone. Problem is I can’t call for a ride when I get to the airport cause my battery…
Hi Bob, The phone has a very cool looking UI and, as always, is Apple sexy.
Why I won’t be buying one:
not allowing 3rd party software-smart phone NOT
no buttons-I like the feedback
touch screen-having seen my sons brick phone screen after less then a year of use (and it has buttons!)
I agree Bob. I want one now. Also anxious to get the Apple TV to add to my soon to be Sony 40″ LCD TV. Jobs has the design thing down. Awesome products and like a sucker I buy them all. But never disapointed.
Apple Fan Boy (of the senior variety)